Day 56

So the last week has been a bit up and down. I really flared last week, there were times where my skin was as bad as the beginning of my TSW journey, but since then it has been a little bit better. Just a little.

I don’t really know what has

A little red and swollen and I forgot to tell you.. I’m losing all my eyebrows!

changed but over the last month, I have been using a really thick emollient called “Epaderm,” I tried all sorts of natural oils but nothing was settling it. Epaderm was the only thing that settled my skin. All of a sudden my body seems to be rejecting it. I put it on and then an hour or so later, I am scratching it off… Is it because my skin is healing?

I have done all sorts of research and have been reading about “Moisturiser Withdrawal (MW).” So basically not putting any moisturisers on at all. The idea being that it allows your skin to learn to produce its own natural oils rather than creating a “fake” humid environment with moisturisers, in which then your body stops producing its own oils. MW is supposed to heal RSS quicker, but it involves 2-4 weeks of extreme pain. My skin would go tight as anything, crack and cut open and shed skin like crazy, but after those few weeks my skin will be a lot better off. It makes sense really… I felt Shaun’s skin (My boyfriend) the other day, he never moisturises and his skin is soft! Why are women in particular almost trained by the media that we need to moisturise everyday!?

Anyway, as I have to work (and with the public), I am not going to start it just yet, but I am going to slowly ween myself off moisturiser. Not apply it as often and use less dense creams. I can’t afford to take time off work at the moment and not up for enduring extreme pain again right now.

But on a lighter note… I had a near normal moment today. As I cannot shower at the moment, I have been bathing 3-4 times a day. I HATE baths… but not today.

With RSS it is an art form to create the perfect bath… Too hot and it exacerbates the pain and Too cold… Well why would you want a cold bath!? Today I managed to get the perfect temperature. Bonus! The main reason I hate baths is that you are just sat there bored, looking at your naked, red, wounded and unflattering self, today I switched the light off! Ingenious… I also blasted out the music! I had a great time in the bath today!

I hope the neighbours didn’t hear my singing. 🙂

3 thoughts on “Day 56

  1. I can’t believe you don’t like baths?! Light a candle, whack the music on a read a book (with the light on, obvs!). You’re doing so well Mel, you’re a far stronger person than I could ever hope to be. Much loves xxxxxx

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  2. I think i am on day 61 of tsw today and i don’t omlike taking a bath either. My trouble areas are my arms and neck but i am too tall to fit my upper body so i have to fold myself like an origami haha. I need a Jacuzzi!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I was just saying the same thing too my friend.. I can’t fit my massive boobs and knees in at once!!
      I’m sorry you have to go through this hell too! I hope you find comfort in reading this! Great to hear someone at the same stage as me.
      How are you getting on??


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